To Gustavo Wine New and Loyal Customers:
We are offering complimentary 17% off all retail sales if you purchase 2 or more items, use discount code “GoodCustomerCode”

Order online, by phone or email
You can order online or you can also order via email or call us at
(707) 257-6796 or (707) 666-2222
We even have a couple of new releases to try!
As of Thursday, March 19, 2020, our tasting room will open only as a retail location for purchase and pick up orders, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
This does not include wine tasting and events which Governor Newsom recommended on March 15, 2020 to be closed or postponed.
This is a temporary arrangement and we are watching for COVID-19 updates. We will keep you updated on our operations accordingly. Our primary goal during this ever changing global situation is to help protect our employees, winery friends, and public consumers.
Social Distance Requirements
The orders mandate that individuals and businesses follow “social distancing requirements” and other safety measures which include:
maintaining at least six-foot social distancing from other individuals
washing hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds as frequently as possible or using hand sanitizer
covering coughs or sneezes (into the sleeve or elbow, not hands)
regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces and not shaking hands.
We absolutely enjoy serving you and are incredibly humbled by our fans. We know we will get through this together.
Thank You for your continued support, concern and patronage.
Gustavo Wine
